Photos by me
Got them! At first i didn’t even want to buy them, but bang, a lot of things happened in time and space and this is how I ended up having them. I mean the round shaped ones, J. Lennon style. Even if I will never ever wear this pair of sunglasses [not fully satisfied with the harmony that is being established between my appearance and the sunglasses shape], they look pretty cool in pics. I hope Diana will find her so-much-wanted-and-craved-pair of round sunglasses …
Ii am! La inceput nici nu voiam sa-i cumpar, dar bang, au avut loc o multime de intamplari in timp si spatiu si uite ca am ajuns sa-i am. Ma refer la modelul de ochelari de soare rotunzi, stilul J. Lennon [ o vai mie, ia uite..abia acum observ! cartea e deschisa la romanul Ion, nebuniee! ] . Chiar daca nu ii voi purta vreodata [ nu sunt pe deplin multumita de armonia care se stabileste intre aspectul meu si forma ochelarilor], in poze ies chiar fain. Sa speram ca Diana isi va gasi perechea de ochelari de soare mult dorita si asteptata si da …